Dear Church, This is the first Sermons and Slide email for the year. I invite you to be in prayer regarding our fellowship. May God lead us in wholeness and blessings. On Sunday we explored together the passage from John 10 where in defence of himself and claim to be a prophet from God and messiah he says, *”**The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10*. What was this life to the full? I life of love and purpose? If you were not there and want to watch the video it can be found:
As a part of that time of prayer I invite you to come and participate in a time of prayer and discussion regarding the church and the life Jesus promises. Saturday 8th February 9am-3pm.
On a practical note it is time to prepare a new roster. Please email me your dates that you are unavailable. If you think you may want to serve on a roster and are not, please speak with me about how you may serve.
In Christ’s service, [image: new email signature.png]