Who are we?
Hervey Bay Church of Christ is a restorations church attempting to live out simple Christianity; practicing the ways, words and works of Jesus; with a Christocentric theology; taking the scriptures seriously.
We believe the followers of Jesus are the church and we don’t just go to church, but we all need a lifelong apprenticeship to Jesus.

Focused on building connections and relationships
Our mission is to be a people formed into Jesus and extending His love
Why do we exist?
Because we need each other as we apprentice to Jesus; and as human beings we all need an apprenticeship to Jesus to thrive
Who are we?
- Deep Spirituality
- Everyone Matters
- Safe
- Authentic
What do we want?
To be a community of faithful Jesus followers experiencing a Deeper Shared Life Together

Service times
- 9.30am Sunday (excluding 5th Sunday of Month)
5th Sunday of the Month
- 12.00pm all invited to gather for lunch, prayer and reflection

What is happening
Girls’ & Boys’ Brigades
The Girls’ and Boys’ Brigades is an international Christian youth organization focused on empowering young people. The Boys’ Brigade is the oldest uniformed youth group, while the Girls’ Brigade aims to cultivate future female leaders.

Both organizations work with local churches to support families and communities, offering resilience training, adventure, and mentorship. Their goal is to help members build resilience, reach their potential, and positively impact the world.
Age Groups
Girls’ Brigades
Cadets (Prep – Grade 2)
Juniors (Grades 3-5)
Seniors (Grades 6-8)
Pioneers (Grades 9-12)
Boys’ Brigades
Anchor Boys (Prep – Grade 2)
Juniors (Grades 3-6)
Seniors (Grades 7-9)
Omegas (Grades 10-12)