Dear Church, Attached are the sermon notes and slides. Apparently attempting Revelation in 6 weeks is a bit ambitious and we ran out of time on Sunday to cover Revelation 19. You will find the notes attached. You can also listen to a recording of that part of the sermon here: or on the feed in our website:
A reminder that you are welcome to come carolling with us at Fairhaven 4pm Tuesday 17th Dec. Meet at the front office.
On Friday 20th we will put out the Fairy Floss Machine and invite anyone Christmas light watching to engage. Feel free to come on by.
Christmas Day Service will be at 8am-9am. A great time to bring family.
Sunday 29th will be a 5th Sunday of the Month lunch together with no 9:30am Service.
The Crighton’s will be on holidays from Boxing Day through to New Year’s Day.
January will be a time of rest and prayer. As a church we will be doing nothing but our Sunday gatherings. I will be working but want to spend considerable time in prayer and preparation. Please pray for us, the church during this time. Early in the new year we will hold a day for leaders and those keen to see God move amongst us: a discerning day; a vision day. Hold tight for more details. In the meantime please be in prayer.
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A reminder that you are welcome to come carolling with us at Fairhaven 4pm Tuesday 17th Dec. Meet at the front office.
On Friday 20th we will put out the Fairy Floss Machine and invite anyone Christmas light watching to engage. Feel free to come on by.
Christmas Day Service will be at 8am-9am. A great time to bring family.
Sunday 29th will be a 5th Sunday of the Month lunch together with no 9:30am Service.
The Crighton’s will be on holidays from Boxing Day through to New Year’s Day.
January will be a time of rest and prayer. As a church we will be doing nothing but our Sunday gatherings. I will be working but want to spend considerable time in prayer and preparation. Please pray for us, the church during this time. Early in the new year we will hold a day for leaders and those keen to see God move amongst us: a discerning day; a vision day. Hold tight for more details. In the meantime please be in prayer.
[image: new email signature.png]